Well I'm starting a bit late on the blog, but I might fill in the previous weeks i missed later on. The only problem is when I use facebook and blogs etc I tend to lose...the will...to live. Anyway, my concept was picked this week as one of the 11 to be animated. Booyah! During my 1 minute pitch, I chose to focus more on the personality and design of the characters rather than the story as I felt they were much more compelling. The setting, however, was my big selling point as I have it more or less completely fleshed out in 3D. Even though my pitch was chosen, not many people seemed keen on animating a floating locust/squid/angel with six legs and wings. Luckily, Ari was interested so we formed a group. As there is only two of us, deciding who will do which job could prove slightly difficult, but since I'd planned to do everything by myself, any help is a plus.
The following are concept sketches I presented